What Makes a Good Rental Property Investment?

William Nozak
6 min readJun 26, 2019

Is there such a thing as the ideal investment property? Or is it simply a case of looking at real estate rentals in the right place at the right time?

While all the above are correct, and each element can impact your ability to get a good investment property, there are a number of things that are within your control, let’s explore exactly what to look for in a good rental property

#1 The Condition of the Rental Property

The investment property condition needs to be considered carefully before you decide to buy a rental property. While there are some amazing deals to be had, there are also clear warning signals that must not be ignored. Regardless of the rental potential, you need to think about if the property condition can be remedied quickly or if simple cosmetic changes can improve the appearance of the property or if the issues will be more timely and costly to fix.

#2 The Location of the Rental Property

This is a very important factor in establishing a good investment property, and it should be one of the top search factors if you are looking for the ideal investment property. The local neighborhood can impact upon so many elements of rental property investments, and for this reason, you need to pay close…

